Friday, November 4, 2016

The Metamorphosis - Quiz Questions (11/4/16)

Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Your responses for questions 1-5 are due on Monday, 11/7/16.

We will be watching pieces of the film "Groundhog Day" in class.

1. What is the “metamorphosis” referred to in the title? Is the metamorphosis sudden or gradual? What is the reason for this sudden or gradual transformation of the main character? In other words, Why do you think Kafka made this artistic decision?
2. The last word of the first line is sometimes translated as bug, cockroach, or insect, but Kafka intended it to be “vermin.” Definition for vermin: “Vermin is a term given to animals which are considered by humans to be pests or nuisances, most associated with the carrying of disease. Disease-carrying rodents and insects are the usual case but the term can also apply to larger animals, on the basis that they exist out of ecological balance with their environment.” Why did Kafka leave the term abstract? What might the bug transformation symbolize??
3. Consider Gregor’s relationships with his family members. Do they behave well or badly to the bug in their midst? Explain your answer.
4. What things are left unexplained? Why do you think Kafka left them unexplained??
5. How is "The Metamorphosis" a good example of magical realism? What conventions of the genre are present in these excerpts?
6. In the second excerpt from the story, the protagonist mentions that even his voice has changed. He mentions that his mother doesn't notice the change. What does he believe keeps her from noticing the change?
7. The protagonist mentions that he locks all the doors to his bedroom. Where does he say he learned this behavior?
8. What excuse does he decide to offer for the change in his voice?
9. How does the Samsa family’s life change after Gregor is transformed into an insect? In what ways has it remained the same?
10. What three members of his family try to get him out of bed? Describe their methods they use to try and get into his room. How do they differ?
11. What is "The Myth of Sisyphus" and how does it relate to both "Groundhog Day and Kafka's work?
12. What are the similarities between "Groundhog Day" and Kafka's work?