Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Swimmer - Study Questions (2/21/17)

The following questions are to be answered in Googledocs. Your responses are due on Friday, 2/24/17.

1.) Who is referred to by the word "everyone" in the opening sentence? Who is not?

2.) How does Neddy Merrill relate to the world in which he moves? Why does he decide to swim home?

3.) Why does Neddy name his route "the Lucinda River"? The Levys live on "Alewives Lane." Alewives are a kind of fish that swim up rivers to spawn. Is there a sexual component to Neddy's journey?

4.) Is the storm that breaks a surprise? How does Neddy feel about the beginning of the rain?

5.) What differences can be noticed between what Neddy experiences before and after the storm? How might they be explained?

6.) What new elements enter the story when Neddy crosses Route 424? Why do the drivers jeer at him?

7.) Before he dives into the unappealing public swimming pool, Neddy tells himself "that this was merely a stagnant bend in the Lucinda River." How characteristic is this effort to assuage his own doubts and discontents?

8.) Based on what the Hallorans, the Sachses, the Biswangers, and Shirley Adams say to Neddy, what is the truth about himself and his life of which he is unaware?

9.) Cheever has his hero discover the season by observing the stars. What effect does that choice among various possibilities have on our attitude toward Neddy?

10.) It is not difficult to say what Neddy has lost. What has he gained?

11.) Explain why Neddy Merrill talks only with women.

12.) Analyze the characters Rusty Towers, Eric Sachs, and Neddy Merrill.

13.) Discuss Neddy's voyage as one of exploration and discovery.

14.) Evaluate Cheever's attitude toward the swimmer.