Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Magical Realism - Writing Prompt (11/16/16)

The rough draft for this story is due on Wednesday, 11/30/16.

Write a story that portrays a character who somehow, someway is "trapped" in a relationship that is unfulfilling, or perhaps "trapped" in a job that they detest. Even possibly consider exploring a character who is physically trapped by his/her environment. We will be seeing more examples of this genre in class before we break for Thanksgiving.

To write your story, carefully consider the examples we discussed in class.

Groundhog Day, Barton Fink - Absurdism (The man trapped in the labyrinth of self)

The Green Mile - Post slavery, racial and social injustice

Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor, A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings, Pan's Labyrinth - A response to the turbulence of a hostile political climate, struggles with religion, writing in code to avoid governmental prosecution.

The Metamorphosis - 20th Century Frustrations with modern living and existentialism.