Thursday, October 6, 2016

Elements of a “Coming of Age” Story (Journal #8, Marking Period 1)

The coming-of-age story will typically trace the protagonist’s growth from a self-absorbed, immature individual into an expansive, mature human being concerned with the welfare of others, and his/her place in the world scheme. Identify the following elements in your character’s story/ your “coming of age” tale for your chosen character:

Character’s growth process begins when he or she is faced with loss or discovery.

Character loses innocence and struggles with the knowledge that the world is a complex and sometimes dangerous place.

Character’s growth is characterized by clashes between personal desires and the “rules” or “social order” of adult society. Character tries to establish his own “rules” as he attempts to become an active participant in the world.

Character finds his or her place in adult society. Is it a good fit? (It may not always be a comfortable or successful fit.)

Additional characteristics of coming-of-age stories. Some may not apply.
Trial, initiation, rites of passage, and/or ritual.
Testing boundaries and limits.
Epiphanies (sudden realizations of truth about self/world)
Loss of innocence.
Journey (literal or symbolic)
Conflict: Internal (confused emotions), desiring simplicity of childhood and excitement of adulthood, etc.