Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Coming of Age Story (10/11/16)

In today's class, I want to begin working on The Coming of Age piece.

Your story must include the following:

The story must feature a character at a crossroads in his/her life. The story must include the idea that the character is facing some great change and must make some major decision about the road ahead. Somewhere in the story, you must include the phrase "a moment of failure" that leads to some decision that the character makes about his/her path. This is going to set us up nicely for what comes next in Magical Realism. This is the root of the idea that the genre is the language of the oppressed. As a society, we are slowly losing our identity. There are many factors that are slowly contributing to this erosion. It could also be argued that as one facade begins to erode, something more substantial is beginning to blossom and take shape. This could also be said about the character in you Coming of Age piece.

For many of you, this is a time of reckoning as you begin to take of where you have been...and where are you going.

See what I did there?

In today's class, you are going to workshop your piece with one partner. At the end of class, you are going to present your ideas as we begin the writing process. The rough draft of this piece will be due on Monday, 10/17/16.